IronPython: Get Unique values from Data Column

IronPython Script to extract the unique values from a Data Tables' Column.

#-------Gets Unique values from a Column---------#
def fnGetUniqueColVal(TblName,ColName):
       #Get Table and Column References
       fnUnique = ""
       fnUniquearr = {}
       for  row in  dtRef.GetRows(ColCursor):
              rowIndex = row.Index
              fnUniquearr[ColCursor.CurrentValue] = 1
       for key, value in fnUniquearr.items() :
              fnUnique = fnUnique + key + ","
       # Return either a String or the Unique list
       return fnUnique[:-1]
       #return fnUniquearr

def fnGetUniqueFiltColVal(TblName,ColName,FiltScheme):
       #Get Table and Column References
       filtRows = Document.Data.Filterings[FiltScheme].GetSelection(dtRef).AsIndexSet()      
       fnUnique = ""
       fnUniquearr = {}
       for  row in  dtRef.GetRows(filtRows,ColCursor):
              rowIndex = row.Index
              fnUniquearr[ColCursor.CurrentValue] = 1
       for key, value in fnUniquearr.items() :
              fnUnique = fnUnique + key + ","
       # Return either a String or the Unique list
       return fnUnique[:-1]
       #return fnUniquearr

How to use the Function

#print fnGetUniqueColVal(TableName,ColumnaName)
print fnGetUniqueColVal("SalesAndMarketing","State")

#print fnGetUniqueFiltColVal(TableName,ColumnaName,FilteringScheme)
print fnGetUniqueFiltColVal("SalesAndMarketing","State","FilteredRows")

** As mentioned previously, most of the scripts we provide on our website will be developed as functions, which will enable us to both reuse and build up a library as we go along.**


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