IronPython: Mark Rows, which are currently Filtered
When using the Data-On-Demand, there is a need, where you need to drive the on-demand data based on current selection. Below is helpful as you do not need to make your users Mark all Rows manually before proceeding to next steps. #=================================================# from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import * #Setup your Source Table below where the Filtered rows need to be captured tblName= "SalesAndMarketing" FiltScheme = "FilteredRows" MarkScheme = "Marking" #Gets Source Table reference dtRef=Document.Data.Tables[tblName] #Gets the Current Filtered Rows as per the filtering schema filtRows = Document.Data.Filterings[FiltScheme].GetSelection(dtRef).AsIndexSet() #Marks the rows as per the filtered Rows Document.Data.Markings[MarkScheme].SetSelection(RowSelection(filtRows), dtRef) #Do your table refreshes here Document.Data.Tables[ "Table1 to Refresh" ].refresh() Document.Data.Tables[ "Table2 to R...